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What better way to start the New Year than rearranging the space you're living in. There's nothing like a fresh start, and I'll have you know, I am feeling FRESH.

Working primarily from home, I tend to get bored with my surroundings pretty quickly. I go from working in my office (which is a pigsty at the moment, might I add) to bringing my computer downstairs and working in the dining room. Since having a new puppy as well, I have found it much easier to work downstairs so I can keep an eye on the little cherub. Which got me thinking, it's about time for a flippin' refresh.

I started by moving out my old plants (which had been seamlessly devoured by the cherub), and making way for the dried florals that I had been hoarding in the garage since we moved in. Given that we've lived in our home for around a year & a half (and with my stable shopping addiction), I've collected my fair share of homewares over that time. Heck, I even had a rug (in the image below) sitting in the garage just waiting for its moment to shine. That means that this refresh cost absolutely NOTHING. I mean, give or take some cleaning products, of course. It's amazing what you can do with the things you already have. We also changed the orientation of our dining table which made for a heck of a lot more space - I'm not exactly sure why we didn't think of it sooner.

We added in some floating shelves, which is something I've been wanting to do for quite a while now. We don't have a whole lot of storage in our kitchen, so being able to display some cute pieces on these shelves made for a very happy Jessica. Oh, I told a lie - these shelves were $25 each from IKEA, buuuut we used a voucher so technically we didn't spend anything *lolz*.

This little refresh has got me feeling all kinds of warm & fuzzy. I come downstairs each morning and it's like a little surprise is waiting for me. That's how you know you got it right.

Out with the old, in with the new, I say.




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